Friday 2 September 2016

The Importance Of Hiring An Arborist

If you want the trees in your yard to stay healthy and standing for generations to come, you must ensure you take proper care of them. The best way to do this is by hiring a certified arborist. This is a good idea for several reasons.

They Are More Knowledgeable

You can search the internet as much as you want, but when it comes to taking care of your trees, nothing beats hiring someone who was specifically educated to do so. A certified arborist will have the knowledge and training to determine what your tree needs and the best way in which to provide it.

It Is Safer

Even if you know a thing or two about taking care of your trees, it's hard to prune the tops of very tall ones without professional-grade equipment. Arborists have lift trucks and other important tools to ensure they can prune each and every tree to perfection, something you won't be able to do without risking a fall.

Planning and Planting

Because arborists are knowledgeable in what each species of tree needs to survive, they can teach you which ones will thrive best on your property. This ensures you find the perfect shade tree or most beautiful pine tree without worry of it lacking nutrients or other vital things it needs to live.

If you want to take the best care of your trees, hire a professional. Learn more about hiring an arborist in Carlsbad by checking out this website.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Storm Cleanup Complexities for Tree Care Pros

Mark Twain famously said, “Everybody loves to talk about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” Most tree care professionals will probably disagree with this assessment—a great deal of the work done on landscape trees is more

Get Rid Of Tree Stumps For The Health Of Your Yard And Home

Tree stumps are unsightly vestiges of trees that were once in your yard. Many people think that if a tree is merely chopped down, the stump will eventually die on its own. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Stumps can continue thriving indefinitely, affecting the rest of the yard. There are several reasons you should get rid of the tree stump besides aesthetic reasons.

First, there is a chance that small saplings could reattach to the root. Smaller trees could regrow around the stump, making yard work more difficult as new roots are being formed.

Second, old stumps invite termites and other insects to take up residence. The presence of termites near a stump could eventually lead to termites infesting the wood of your home, causing even greater damage.

Third, grinding a stump down helps get rid of unneeded roots. Remember that even though a tree is cut down, the roots are still very much alive, draining moisture from the surrounding lawn and a plants.

Once you cut down a tree, it is important to the have the stump removed as well to prevent future growth, either from smaller trees or insects looking for a new home. The process of stump removal is quick and not very costly. For stump removal in Encinitas, contact this company.